Shall We Camp

Shall We Camp

Pork Stir Fry

Pork Stir Fry Recipe

This easy camping recipe utilizes ramen noodles and comes together so quickly. It can be customized with different vegetables to use what you have on hand. Previous Next

Pedernales Falls State Park Review

Pedernales Falls State Park Review

Pedernales Falls State Park 2585 Park Road 6026Johnson City, TX 78636 Website Link: Pedernales Falls State Park Campground Map: Park Map Trails Map: Trails Map Types of Sites:  69 Electric, Primitive (Hike In) Favorite Sites:  19, 18,15 Elevation: 1197 Ft…

Tamale Chili Pie

Tamale Chili Pie

As the temperatures begin to get colder, I love this hearty comfort dish. It's super simple to make with only a few ingredients. I love to pair this with individual cornbread or the traditional corn chips. Previous Next

Camping at Fairfield Lake State Park

Camping at Fairfield Lake State Park

UPDATE: Fairfield State Park is Now PERMANENTLY CLOSED (as of 2024) We recently took a trip about 3 hours north and camped at a state park that we have been to many times. It was a 3 day holiday weekend…

Fairfield Lake State Park Review

Fairfield Lake State Park UPDATE:  This State Park is PERMANENTLY CLOSED (as of 2024) 123 State Park Road 64Fairfield, TX 75840 Website Link: Fairfield Lake State Park Campground Map: Park Map Trails Map: Trails Map Types of Sites: 93 Electric,…

Taco Salad Pasta

Taco Salad Pasta Recipe

This is a great summer dish that we love to customize by changing the cheeses used and the ground meat as well. Sometimes we use ground turkey or lamb and incorporate gourmet cheeses like gruyere instead of cheddar. But the…

Brioche French Toast

Brioche French Toast

Brioche French Toast The brioche bread makes this french toast so decadent and delicious. Sprinkle with powdered sugar to take it up a notch. 25 MINUTES | 2 SERVINGS Try this luxurious, buttery french toast the next time you are…